Thursday, April 30, 2009

The Snare of Moon at the Coming of the Son of Man

Judge not: lest ye be Judged!

The Snare of Judging Rev. Moon

For those who have now fallen into the camp of the hypocrites who judge others I warn you that Rev. Moon fell in part by ignoring this one priceless piece of advice and judging John the baptist as responsible for the death and crucifixion of the Lamb. The real context of this mistake is that Rev. Moon was actually one given a missiom by the Angel of Christ who visited him on that Korean hillside on 4.18. 36

To all who have now decided to judge Rev. Sun Myung Moon as a charlatan, a false prophet, a false christ or anything else I come to bring you all this warning: judge not; lest you earn what Moon himself earned with the hypocrites who call themselves christians but continue to judge others; with or without understanding: it mattereth not.

The deeper problem facing those who rush in to judge those whose fall makes people feel superior: but with Rev. Moon there is one more factor involved which makes quite a difference: he actually is a prophetic figure called by the Lamb "the faithful and wise shepherd" who would be there at the famine at the end; not for bread; but for the Word of God.

In his book "Divine Principle" Rev. Moon gave christianity something to chew on; yet he was rejected out of hand; and this is in spite of the fact that no one even read what he wrote; thus they judged him wrongly in that they had no idea what he had revealed: which was the hidden nature of the Providence itself and it's numerical periods of indemnity.
Judge not: lest ye be Judged!

The"snare" is tht Rev. Moon is John the Baptist even though he denies it and even condemns John as responsible for the death of Jesus; yet Rev. Moon denieds he is John just as John before denied he was Elijah; nor is this the end of the matter; for in condemning Rev. Moon we are drawn into his Judgement by God at the Coming of the Son of Man; for this is the "snare" that accompanies his Coming; for in reality Rev. Moon is the prophetic figure known as the "Faithful and Wise Steward"; whose Fate and Destiny are spelled out by the Lamb: and which all are now called upon to witness; at this: the Last Day. This Day; the last of the 7 last days of Noah.

To all reading of these things I offer you some counsel; for I did not bring up these aspects of Rev. Moon without knowing what a reception these remarks would receive. And a warm one it will be! Yet I love all of you; Bless you all!!

When the Lamb told his flock that anyone who taught the precepts of the Law incorrectly and also what he himself was revealing he said that those who did so would be considered as " the least in the Kingdom "; but he also said that as great as John the Baptist was, even one who was "least in the Kingdom" was greater than he. But there are 2 who the Lamb characterized as "least".

I speak here of the left hand one; not "the least" who the Lamb said "as you have done it unto the least of them you have also done to me"; thus putting the "least" in this case as in a position equal to that of himself; and in fact it is one who represents the "least" who stands in the position of the Son of Man at the end; thus I call myself "the least in the kingdom of heaven"; even as my servant John is the greatest.,

No; I speak of that "least" one Rev. Moon who said the Holy Spirit is a "female spirit"; but this was Isis invading him; thus he stumbled. Then Rev. Moon declares Christ Jesus did not arise in the flesh: this is where he outright fainted. And lastly he says that the "true parents" are the Messiah; but the True Parents are Jesus of Nazareth and Mary of Bethany; not Mr. Sun and Mrs. Moon..

The Bearer of the Cross of Jerusalem; even New Jerusalem!
John the Baptist denied he was Elijah the Prophet; and taught things contrary to what the Lamb and his followers were preaching. This stopped the Resurrection which was to have started with the Resurrection of Elijah himself starting with John the Baptist's at the Jordan by the Son of God; and THIS was why everything was "Terrible" as in "Terribly wrong"; no Elijah: no Resurrection.

John the Baptist ended up doubting Christ Jesus; and was cut asunder, losing his head. The loss of the one who was to have been his messenger caused the Lord to then announce he was going to Jerusalem: which was certain death. In fact it was suicide; and Peter said so. You remember what happened then; he called Peter "Satan" and told him to get behind him; a rebuke of cosmic magnitude. Yet we have a consecrated death; the only other one being that of Samson; whose hair was plaited into 7 plaits: the Nazarene with 7 horns; the Lamb with the 7 horns and 7 eyes being the Resurrection and the Life itself; yet called a Nazarene for just this reason. Saul is an example of one who chose an unconsecrated death.

What I am bringing to your attention is that Sun Myung Moon denying he is John the Baptist is exactly the same as when John the Baptist denied he was Elijah the Prophet. I indeed know all of Rev. Moon's failings and shortcomings: as my Father sent his Servant John to me to restore what Rev. Moon failed to do; but this brings us to what I am actually revealing to you and others: Rev. Moon WAS given a mission; a real mission; and is, in fact, the personage called "the Faithful and Wise Steward/ servant" mentioned in Matthew and Luke.

This might seem impossible in light of all you have heard about our Korean friend; the small one who became the representative of his divided nation; but as you have never sat down and read his book "Divine Principle" from beginning to end as I have done I beg you in the Name of Christ Jesus, the Name of Love itself to not judge Rev. Moon as you will deliver yourselves into perdition: for his fall as that "evil servant" is written of; but the fact that he failed in his mission brings Christianiyu to the actual cause and the fate instead of his destiny that was written as the 2 possible outcomes of our Korean friends identity spoken of by Christ Jesus as that "faithful and wise steward"; and it is this terrible fulfillment of the "cutting asunder" of this "evil servant" which is that "time of trouble" that is the worst humanity has even seen; and this prophecy was written for a specific reason: which now confronts you

In Rev. Moon's decision to marry in 1960 instead of gathering the 144,000 Virgins who are the Children of the Resurrection "who do not marry: nor are they given in marriage" it is quite clear that he was the one "who knew the Lord's will; but prepared not himself"; he married in defiance of the Will that he remain celibate until the Day and Hour of his Master's return: and this is what happened: I have had to reveal it and it's solution; and a harder mission was never given; for the Second Fall of our fledging "Adam" and his Korean "Eve" is even worse than you think. The Children of the Resurrection are the Clouds of his Coming: and that is the gospel truth: the dead in Christ rise first: and I am one of them.

The Children of the Resurrection

The 144,000 Virgins are the Clouds! The Children of the Resurrection!
Furthermore it is the fact that I have had to point out that Sun Myung Moon is John the Baptist just as my Father once had to point out that John the Baptist was Elijah the Prophet: and thus a mere scribe in the position of Eliakim must now despoil his fallen Shebna; and that is exactly what is happening here; for I was raised from the dead for this reason: the prodigal son; the lost sheep of Israel; Solomon himself at this: the Last Day of the 7 last days of Noah.

I am the Offspring of David; brought back from the dead by His servant John; like Lazurus; and thus I will leave you with this; Osama bin Laden is the Antichrist; the "fatted calf" my Father kills with the Sword; and Sun Myung Moon is John the Baptist; who blamed John for the death of Jesus and thus condemned himself; who you are joining in your ignorance by judging him; for the Day dawns black over the prophets.

I call you "prophets" who read this because the Revelation of St. John the Divine is The Word of God; the One on the White Horse: and it is this His servant John had me reveal in the book "The Revelation of Salvation: the Regeneration of John the Divine"; of which I am now writing the final edit.

All the Lord's people will be prophets because all will be given the Understanding of the Word of God itself; for like Moses we must all ascend the Holy Mountain of the Gospel and enter the Revelation that is the Holy City which rests on it's summit; as these 2 are in the positions of the first tabernacle of the Holy Place with the Gospel and the second tabernacle of the Holy of Holies with the Revelation it is these two as single that are the Tabernacle of God; for as the 12 gates are open of the Holy City there is no "veil" in this Tabernacle; and we all know who removed the Veil of Mystery which hid the Mystery of God; the Lord God Himself.

Ask not about me; rather concern yourselves with the appearence of John; last of all; and servant of all: for he is the greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven: it is his coming which is the Sign of the Coming of the Son of Man.

"Behold; I come as a thief"

Even that thief who defended the Lamb at his right hand at the Cross; who was in the position of Michael the Archangel; even as the evil thief at the left hand was in the position of Satan the Devil attacking Christ Jesus to the end.

In the Name of Christ Jesus; the Name of Love; the Name of God;


the Offspring of David:the Wrath of the Lamb

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